Monday, October 2, 2017

Yeah!!! The first to receive their free Ghana shirt!

The queue of children waiting for shirts! Checking our attendance roaster to verify the children that have been active.

The Honourable Assemblywoman- Honourable Madam Anastasia also received a free shirt. We appreciate her political support for the Trash4Books Ghana program.
...waiting patiently for their shirt

We love happy faces!!!

Our wonderful teachers, along with the Honourable Assemblyoman - volunteers for Trash4 Books community clean up activities and environmental education for over 2,000 children in 5 villages.


2017 Began with a major milestone. TREE Africa was asked to speak at a youth book club in St. Louis, Missouri-USA; making this our first international appearance.
Our Co-Founder spoke to the eager group of girls about the importance of sisterhood, reading and helping the community. The NerdyGirlz Book Club learned a lot about Ghana and got a chance to see pictures and items from Africa.
Thank you NerdyGirlz Book Club and keep reading!!

2016 Ended with a grand concert by our Music Program with Akoma International Academy in Ayensudu, Ghana. This completes our successful 2nd school year of TREE Africa's African Classical Music Program-teaching leadership, culture appreciation and the power of classical music to improve listening, reading and verbal skills; molding children into future leaders that think more creatively and will inevitably come up with better solutions for our most pressing issues.