When most people think of classical music, Africa is the last place that comes to mind! We have discovered that Classical music with its orchestras and lovely instrumentations, has its' roots in Mama Africa. With classical composers such as Joseph Boulogne and Ghana's own  Ephraim Koku Amu (google them!), their vision and gifts showed the power of music to touch all spheres of life - social, political and spiritual. Classical music has been shown to increase focus in children leading to higher test scores and improved reading. TREE will use Classical music to help elevate children, teaching them to think differently and to see beyond their circumstances. Equipped with this mindset, our children are given the ability to creatively solve different kinds of problems. Cleaning up Ghana also means transforming our environment.  Music inspires. We need our children and all children; to unlock their full potential and come up with new inventions and solutions to pressing issues. Furthermore, this will inevitably increase their chance to become community leaders who, in turn, will show up with their talents to make a difference in the world. We are forming a viable chamber orchestra of Ghana's children from all walks of life....oh yeah, did we say that the instruments would be made of RECYCLED material?! Violins, guitars, drums, flutes, etc. will all be eco-friendly = ECO-MUSIC...:)

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